Quicksilver Hot Air Solder Leveler
Request a sampleWith over 700 systems sold worldwide the Quicksilver Vertical leveling system has been setting the standard for more than 25 years. Now, after 10 years of field testing, Quicksilver has been developed to achieve exceptional results using lead free solder. Assemblers and Board fabricators will be pleased to know that flatter and more uniform surface finishes have been made possible due to the Quicksilver’s unique enhancements.
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Quicksilver features
- Controls: A wall or stand (optional) mounted console houses the main controls for solder and airknife temperature, plus run and standby setting. Operator controls for start, insertion/withdrawal speeds, panel speed indicator, air knife pressure and emergency return are all positioned within easy reach. The design of the solder pump, air knife chamber and extract ducts ensures that spent oils and fluxes are automatically expelled from the pump tank to an external reservoir, and cannot leak out of the system.
- Enclosure:
The cover system design is compact and easily removable for maintenance and cleaning. It provides improved fume and noise protection for the operator, ensuring that emissions are confined to the exhaust system. The automatic door is cycled as the panel is immersed and withdrawn from the solder pot. - Air knives: A patented design using cast iron aluminium and nitrided titanium, the airknives are mounted within an insulated stainless steel chamber. The chamber is pivoted and counter balanced, allowing the complete twin air knife assembly to be raised, quickly and easily for airknife tip cleaning and solder pot maintenance. The airknife design incorporates horizontal leveling technology as used with the ‘Alchemy’ leveler. The tip set can be removed and replaced via an aperture in the cover plate in less than 15 minutes.
- Profile mechanism (Optional): The rigid arms of the profile clamp mechanism hold a routed board by its edges, permitting panels with circuitry up to the periphery of the panel to be easily processed. The mechanism offers the additional benefit that panels are accurately located and guided between the airknives during withdrawal from the solder pot, thus ensuring an even more uniform surface coating. Other arms are available for flexible circuits, which tension the circuit during the leveling process
- Auxiliary options: An optional hole punch provides a fast and accurate means of punching the panel mounting slots relative to the panel edge which must be accurate to +0mm/-0.5mm (+0″ / -0.02″)
An optional wall/floor mounted extraction unit provides efficient removal of exhaust emissions. - Simple, safe operations: All operator controls within easy reach. Optional stand available. Precise temperature control.Quick and easy set-up. DDS double dip system. Full extraction kit available. Low installation and running costs
- Panel fixture /guiding: System superior to other methods, reduces dwell times, eliminating heat damage to board. Allows correct positioning of air knives at board surface. Fast panel location. 2-hole punch (optional)
- Solder sump: Heavy duty solder pump hinges out for easy access. Dross free dipping zone. Patented solder cushion for PCB during immersion. Full insulation minimizes heat loss and energy consumption. Up-rated external dip zone sump heaters. Pump zone immersion heaters give rapid response. Inverter driven multi speed solder pump. 316 Stainless steel solder pot
- Total application: Complete control over all operating parameters ensures precise solder coating
24″x24″ or 24″x30″ panel versions. Multi-layer/flexible/SMD panels. High throughput—up to 360 panels/hour (dependent upon panel size) - Minimum maintenance: Self-cleans spent oils and flux. Few dynamic parts. Less nozzle cleaning required
Parts and components chosen for long life and reliability. Easily cleaned polyester resin covers - Full after sales service and process support. Basic tool kit supplied (optional). Complete documentation provided. Operator training