Plating on Plastic

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High-performing, Environmentally-friendly Metal Plating on Plastic Surfaces from DuPont’s decades of expertise in surface preparation and investment in novel technology enable the development of value-added products and processes for plating of plastics.

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Choose from a full complement of plating chemistries for a complete plating-on-plastics solution:

Adhesion promotion, including chrome-free etching
High-performance colloidal catalysts for selective or full-part plating
Stable electroless copper and nickel, including ammonia-free (and formaldehyde-free to come) options
Acid copper with high throwing power for improved performance and reduced cost
Choose DuPont as your materials solutions partner to:

Improve process yield on your most complex designs
Improve your environmental footprint by removing or reducing toxic substances
Reduce your cost of ownership

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